Friday, June 12, 2009

How to Lead Your Team to Top Performance

Success is rarely accomplished as a solo act. It requires the collective contributions of multiple players, working in concert to achieve meaningful goals. To be successful, whether as a business owner, line manager, or corporate executive, you’ve got to set your people up for maximum effectiveness.

This month’s Bywater Journal addresses the leader’s role in achieving exceptional team performance. Here are a few excerpts:

In today's turbulent times, it's more important than ever to get people aligned and working together. Individual workers are under ever-increasing pressure - and the demand for results is tremendous. If ever there were a time for teamwork, the time is now.

The following strategies will help you guide your team to unparalleled collective performance:

Provide structure. Assign roles, tasks, and projects so that each member makes a meaningful and important contribution to reaching the team's goals and objectives…

Provide good management. This one calls for some flexibility, as each team has specific needs and preferences around being managed…

Provide motivation. No matter how dedicated your team may be… they still need ongoing motivation to keep doing great work. Think about creative ways to reward your people for outstanding performance. When budget constraints limit financial bonuses, why not provide a nice lunch with the boss, a Starbucks gift card, or a simple note of thanks for a job well done…

You can read this article in full or sign up for future issues of the Bywater Journal. It's always jammed with insights and practical advice for improving performance... helping you reach your goals for maximum career success!

Until next time…


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