Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Effective Goal-Setting Tip #2: Build Upon Your Strengths

Why is it that we so often try to correct for our shortcomings and pay little attention to we do best? Think back to the last self-improvement goal you set for yourself. Did it have anything to do with losing 15 pounds? Or maybe getting just a little botox around the eyes? Hair Club for Men sound familiar?

What flaw did you decide to fix or undo?

The fact is, we do this to ourselves all the time. We focus on our weaknesses. We take our strengths for granted. Which is not the way to get especially good at anything.

In order to set goals with real impact, goals that bring you from good to great (or from great to absolutely unstoppable), you've got to change that old mindset and start building upon your strengths. Take stock of what you do well and keep getting better at it.

Are you a creative thinker? How can you expand upon your creativity? What can you do to turn your creative ideas into innovative new products or services?

Perhaps you're great with people. Go with it. How do continue to sharpen your interpersonal skills? How can you use your people savvy to drive your business forward? To advance your career?

Or maybe you're a technical type. (No typecasting intended. I know that techies come in various shapes and sizes. None of which, I'm afraid, looks like me. Hey, I know my strengths and my weaknesses. Technology: definitely not a strength!) Ask yourself what you can do to draw upon your technical competence. How do you stay on top of the latest developments in order to use your talent to its fullest potential?

So give it some thought and be honest with yourself. Do you craft your goals around weaknesses or do you take what you already do well and keep building toward excellence?

Go ahead, I challenge you, figure out where your strengths and talents lie. And remember, truly SMART goals should be built upon Strengths, Motivation, Accountability, Relevance and Tenacity. Coming up next: Motivation.

Until next time...


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