Thursday, May 28, 2009

Networking for Success

Let me be completely upfront with you. I don't do a whole lot of networking. At least, not in the way many of us think about networking - you know, picking just the right outfit for the occasion, milling around a roomful of strangers and perhaps a few acquaintances, asking about them and their business (Note: I did not say telling them about myself and my business), maybe following up with a potential new client or recommender. 

In reality, I just don't have much time for all of that. My coaching practice keeps me pretty busy and I have two children who hate to see me leave the house in the evenings. The answer, for me, is to be selective in where and how I choose to get out there, meet new people, make strategic connections, and follow up.

I'd suggest that you do the same. Be strategic in your networking efforts. Figure out where you can meet potential new clients, customers, business allies, employers, and so on. Pick an organization or two, become involved, take a leadership role, get visible! And remember to add value, first and foremost. Whatever you do, don't just get out there and start passing out your business card. This is a major turnoff for most people - and a real waste of paper, as your card will likely get trashed or shoved to the bottom of a drawer, never to be seen again. 

If you happen to live or work in the Philadelphia area, check out Jamie Broderick's Network Now. Jamie's a friend of mine and a fabulous networker and businesswoman. She's all about helping her members make great connections, gain visibility, and maximize their business success.  

Remember, networking is essential for career success. Be sure you're doing it wisely and well. 

Check back for more tips on networking for success. 

Until next time...



  1. Liz:

    This is great! I agree, for networking, you need to understand where your clients go and go there otherwise you are wasting your valuable time.

  2. Thanks for your input, Marge! I think many people end up squandering their precious time with networking activities that lead nowhere. It's all about finding the right organizations, events, and people to lead you to meaningful business results.

  3. Great post, Liz! I also like to select events with programming that I'm really interested in. Then my conversations with the people I meet are enriched by an inspiring speaker.

    Also, your readers may benefit from another resource on networking, Mingle, by Beth Brodovsky:

    Gail Bower

  4. Thanks for contributing to the discussion, Gail. I'm always open to additional good resources for my readers. Much appreciated!

  5. I recently joined Network Now and am delighted with the amount of good information and opportunities that come to my inbox via Jamie and the organization. I have received 2 calls for work since becoming a member only last month. I am very impressed with the value I see in the membership and suggest others join too!

  6. Wonderful to hear of your success, Terree. Jamie does a great job of organizing a broad spectrum of opportunities. Glad to hear you're taking full advantage of them!
