Monday, June 1, 2009

Step Away from the Blackberry… and Other Tips for Work-Life Balance

I had a really good weekend. The weather was picture perfect, I got to hang out with my husband and kids, and I took a couple of invigorating rides on my new bike. Very nice.

What does this have to do with career success? Well, as it turns out, quite a lot. The fact is, it can be very difficult to step away from work for the weekend – or even for the evening – and simply enjoy life. For many people, it feels nearly impossible. Yet without adequate attention to relaxation and rejuvenation, you are on the fast track to burnout. And you simply can’t be successful if you’re burnt.

Here’s what I advise my clients to do at the end of each workday. If you’re not doing these things, why not give them a try? You’ve got nothing to lose (except, perhaps, for some serious stress and fatigue).

Put down the Blackberry. When you’re done working for the day, shut down your computer, turn off the Blackberry, and mentally “punch out” of the office – even if that office is in your own home. Remember, you’re entitled to have a life. No one’s going to give you permission to stop working. You’ve got to grant it to yourself.

Eat dinner! Don’t simply wolf down a Power Bar and a Diet Coke in front of the computer or during your evening commute. Go home, sit down – ideally with family or friends – and enjoy some good eats at a relaxed pace.

Honor your social commitments. The important relationships in your life will suffer if people can’t count on you. So don’t bail on friends or family in order to finish a work project – unless it is absolutely urgent and the exception to the rule.

Get some exercise. Whether you like to walk, run, lift weights, or play a little ball, exercise is vital for a healthy body and your overall well-being. Bonus: it will help you feel less stressed, better focused and more productive when you do get back to work.

The point is simple. Take care of yourself, manage your stress, and create a healthy work-life balance. These are the ticket to a successful career - and a fantastic quality of life.

Until next time…


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